- Utility & Tracking Dogs
- dvg
DVG Fall Trial-MidAtlantic/Three Mountains WDC
- 21.10.2018
- 1703 Cold Storage Road, 17068 New Bloomfield
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Subscriber information:
Bh, IPO 1-3 titles offered
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Registration opening: 01.07.2018 00:00:00
- Closing date: 15.10.2018 00:00:00
- 2. Closing date: 17.10.2018 00:00:00
- Number of participants IPO: 15
- Number of participants FCI-UPr: 15
- Number of participants FCI-SPr: 15
- Number of participants FCI-FPr: 15
- Number of participants Companion (BH/VT): 15
- Discipline: IPO, FCI-UPr, FCI-SPr, FCI-FPr, Companion (BH/VT)
- Organizing club: Mid Atlantic-Three Mountains Work., 11-2-35
- Address: 1703 Cold Storage Road, 17068 New Bloomfield
- Homepage: www.midatlanticwdc.com/
Information entry fee
$75 for IPO1 to IPO3; $65 for all other
Entry fee

No data available yet
DVG Fall Trial-MidAtlantic/Three Mountains WDC 21.10.2018
1703 Cold Storage Road, 17068 New Bloomfield

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