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  • Utility & Tracking Dogs
  • dvg

Judge assignment outstanding Herbstprüfung

  • 12.11.2016

Subscriber information:

Beginn: 8 Uhr (Verschiebungen sind möglich) Leistungsrichter: Dieter Höpken Startgelde : 5,00 € pro Einheit

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Registration opening: 17.10.2016 00:00:00
  • Closing date: 03.11.2016 19:09:45
  • Discipline: IPO, FCI-UPr, FCI-SPr, FCI-FPr, Tracking test, Companion (BH/VT)
  • Organizing club: PHV Settmarshausen
  • Homepage:

Information entry fee

not deposited

Trial chairman (SKN Base)

Cedric Reiter

 +49 - 5504-999757

Click on the coordinates to copy them. The coordinates can then be inserted into Google Maps, for example.

judges and helpers

There were no judges or helper added yet.
Herbstprüfung 12.11.2016