- DogDance
- dvg
Schwoba Stroich -DogDancing Turnier Remshalden
- 29. - 30.03.2025
- Günter Irmscher Str 12, 73630 Remshalden
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Subscriber information:
- Offenes Turnier für alle Klassen
- Ringgröße 10 x 17 m
- Vorbereitungsring 10 x 8
- Bodenbelag Hundesportmatten, blau
- Ringumrandung blickdichte Bande.
- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
- Registration opening: 05.10.2024 00:00:00
- Closing date: 01.03.2025 23:59:59
- Number of participants: 80
- Discipline: DogDancing FCI
- Organizing club: Dogdance Deutschland e.V.
- Address: Günter Irmscher Str 12, 73630 Remshalden
Information entry fee
not depositedEntry fee
€3.00 valid from 3. registered dog
Club chairman
Registration office
Trial chairman
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Schwoba Stroich -DogDancing Turnier Remshalden 29. - 30.03.2025
Günter Irmscher Str 12, 73630 Remshalden

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