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  • Tournament sports
  • dvg

1. Geländelaufturnier PSGSV Wilhelmshaven

  • 14.10.2018
  • Triftweg 38 d, 26386 Wilhelmshaven
  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Registration opening: 01.08.2018 00:00:00
  • Closing date: 30.09.2018 00:00:00
  • Number of participants Cross-country run 1000m: 60
  • Number of participants Cross-country run 2000m: 60
  • Number of participants Cross-country run 5000m: 60
  • Number of participants Canicross: 60
  • Discipline: Cross-country run 1000m, Cross-country run 2000m, Cross-country run 5000m, Canicross
  • Organizing club: PSGSV Wilhelmshaven e.V., 9-1-23
  • Address: Triftweg 38 d, 26386 Wilhelmshaven

Information entry fee

not deposited

Entry fee

Club chairman

Heidrun Heuer

 0170 2779987

Trial chairman

Heidrun Heuer

 0170 2779987

judges and helpers

  • Judge (sport)

    Dirk Kalicinski

    de  Germany

    Cross-country run 1000m, Cross-country run 2000m, Cross-country run 5000m, Sprint CaniCross, Short CaniCross, Long CaniCross

1. Geländelaufturnier PSGSV Wilhelmshaven 14.10.2018
Triftweg 38 d, 26386 Wilhelmshaven