- Tournament sports
- dvg
THS-Turnier im TuS Komet Arsten e.V. - Hundesport.
- 16.09.2018
- Korbhauser Weg 3, 28279 Bremen
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Subscriber information:
Alle Infos online unter www.tuskometarsten-hundesport.de
- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
- Registration opening: 01.06.2018 00:00:00
- Closing date: 03.09.2018 00:00:00
- Number of participants Vierkampf: 100
- Number of participants Dreikampf: 100
- Number of participants Steeplechase: 100
- Number of participants CSC (team): 100
- Number of participants Cross-country run 1000m: 100
- Number of participants Cross-country run 2000m: 100
- Number of participants Cross-country run 5000m: 100
- Discipline: Vierkampf, Dreikampf, Steeplechase, CSC (team), Cross-country run 1000m, Cross-country run 2000m, Cross-country run 5000m
- Organizing club: TUS Komet Arsten Hundesport e. V., 9-1-4
- Address: Korbhauser Weg 3, 28279 Bremen
- Homepage: www.tuskometarsten-hundesport.de
Information entry fee
Entry fee
Club chairman
André Preuß
Trial chairman
judges and helpers
Judge (sport)
Vierkampf 1, Vierkampf 2, Vierkampf 3, Dreikampf 1, Dreikampf 2, Dreikampf 3, Steeplechase, CSC (team), Cross-country run 1000m, Cross-country run 2000m, Cross-country run 5000m
Judge (sport)
Vierkampf 1, Vierkampf 2, Vierkampf 3, Dreikampf 1, Dreikampf 2, Dreikampf 3, Steeplechase, CSC (team), Cross-country run 1000m, Cross-country run 2000m, Cross-country run 5000m