- Tournament sports
- dvg
THS-Turnier HSV Hatten
- 26.05.2019
- Hatter Landstr.8A, 26209 Hatten
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No participation via Caniva!
- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
- Registration opening: 26.04.2019 00:00:00
- Closing date:
- Number of participants Vierkampf: 20
- Number of participants Dreikampf: 15
- Number of participants Steeplechase: 10
- Number of participants CSC (team): 5
- Number of participants Cross-country run 1000m: 15
- Number of participants Cross-country run 2000m: 15
- Number of participants Cross-country run 5000m: 10
- Number of participants Canicross: 20
- Discipline: Vierkampf, Dreikampf, Steeplechase, CSC (team), Cross-country run 1000m, Cross-country run 2000m, Cross-country run 5000m, Canicross
- Organizing club: Hundesportverein Hatten e.V.", 9-1-40
- Address: Hatter Landstr.8A, 26209 Hatten
Information entry fee
not depositedEntry fee

Trial chairman
Christina Fenske

Trial chairman
Michael Platz
judges and helpers
Judge (sport)
Jens Siemers
Vierkampf 1, Vierkampf 2, Vierkampf 3, Dreikampf 1, Dreikampf 2, Dreikampf 3, Steeplechase, CSC (team), Cross-country run 1000m, Cross-country run 2000m, Cross-country run 5000m, Sprint CaniCross, Short CaniCross, Long CaniCross
Judge (sport)
Thorsten Wallerstein
Vierkampf 1, Vierkampf 2, Vierkampf 3, Dreikampf 1, Dreikampf 2, Dreikampf 3, Steeplechase, CSC (team), Cross-country run 1000m, Cross-country run 2000m, Cross-country run 5000m, Sprint CaniCross, Short CaniCross, Long CaniCross
THS-Turnier HSV Hatten 26.05.2019
Hatter Landstr.8A, 26209 Hatten